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Auteur: Tracy Metz

De stad in Spraakmakers: Vrouwen in architectuur

Elke dinsdag ben ik voor het nieuws van 11 uur te gast in het KRO NCRV programma Spraakmakers op Radio 1 om actuele ontwikkelingen op het gebied van architectuur en stedelijk leven te bespreken. De architectuur is nog steeds toch echt een mannenbolwerk. Van oudsher zijn architecten voornamelijk mannen, het zou ‘te technisch’ zijn voor vrouwen. Dat verandert, maar langzaam.

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TRACY•TV #43 – Arne Hendriks shows with cabbage our obsession with growth

We are obsessed with growth thinks artist Arne Hendriks, well-known for his ‘Incredible Shrinking Man’ project. This shows in the harvest of white cabbage, which at the moment is too good. As a result, much of this cabbage remains on the farms for the simple reason that it doesn’t have enough value. I visited Arne at Mediamatic, where he organised a nine course cabbage dinner, to show that other values than money can also play a role.

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De stad in Spraakmakers: De wilde stad

Elke dinsdag ben ik voor het nieuws van 11 uur te gast in het KRO NCRV programma Spraakmakers op Radio 1 om actuele ontwikkelingen op het gebied van architectuur en stedelijk leven te bespreken. De film ‘De wilde stad’ die vanaf 1 maart in de bioscoop draait toont hoe rijk de stad is aan dieren. Van patatmeeuwen, tot vinexvossen, van pizzaratten tot rotzooimeerkoeten. Hoe leven die allemaal recht onder onze neus?

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TRACY•TV #40 – Filmmaker Kim Kyung-Mook on giving a voice to homosexuals in Korea

Kim Kyung-Mook is a South Korean filmmaker. His films – short, long and documentary – investigate the insecure lives of marginalized groups of people such as homosexuals, transsexuals, sex workers, North Korean deserters and others. On 27 January, Kyung-Mook spoke at De Balie as part of the IFFR program about the importance of giving a voice to those who are not heard and about what it means to generate social impact through film and image. I interviewed him about his works ‘Me and Doll Playing’ and ‘Grace Period’, his relationship with his parents about his...

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TRACY•TV #39 – Eddo Hartmann shows us the secretive North-Korea

North-Korea is one of the most secretive places in the world. Photographer Eddo Hartmann gives us an insight in the architecture and living world of the people of Pyongyang, which both are under strict rules and regulations. Dutch journalist Tracy Metz visited together with him his exhibition ‘Setting the Stage’ in Huis Marseille and interviewed him about his work.

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