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Tag: Tracy Metz

Nacht van de Architectuur in Arnhem

Op 17 mei werd de Nacht van de Architectuur in Arnhem georganiseerd, deze keer in de leegstaande Rembrandt bioscoop. Samen met landschapsarchitect Steven Delva was ik uitgenodigd er te spreken. Traditiegetrouw verschijnt daar een fraaie publicatie bij met interviews met de sprekers. Het was een feest! Lees hier de publicatie: Nacht vd Arch Arnhem

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Longreads avant la lettre voor ‘Het beste van Atlas’

In de ruime bloemlezing ‘Het beste van Atlas’, samengesteld door Emile Brugman en uitgegeven door Atlas Contact, zijn mijn stukken ‘De woestijn’ en ‘Dear Daddy,’ verschenen. Het literaire tijdschrift Atlas werd in 1991 opgericht om onderdak te bieden voor longreads ‘avant la lettre’ – te lang voor de krant, te kort voor een boek – waarmee in Nederland de basis werd gelegd voor de literaire non-fictie. In ‘Het beste van Atlas’ staat o.a. ook stukken van Ian Buruma, Jan Brokken, Boudewijn Büch  en Geert Mak. Lees hier mijn twee...

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Designed for the Future: Het Schieblock

In Designed for the Future, Jared Green asked eighty global leaders who shape our built and natural environments the same question: what gives you hope that a sustainable future is possible? I contributed a short essay about ZUS Architects and its transformation of Het Schieblock, an abandoned office building from the sixties, into the center of the revitalized neighborhood. Read my piece  below.

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Dutch Dikes

Dikes are the framework of the Dutch landscape. But even though there are so important, no book has been written about it. That is why the landscape architects of LOLA Landscape wrote it: Dutch Dikes. I contributed to this issue by writing an essay: dikes as a source of innovation. 

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Sweet&Salt: with the New York Times to the Overdiepsepolder

When a cow gives more than 100.000 liters of milk during her lifetime, her owner gets a small silver-colored statuette with a plaque with her name on it. Dairy farmer Nol Hooijmaijers and his wife Wil have had three of these prize animals: Mies 30, Henny 144 and Pietje 60. Their statues take pride of place on the countertop in their brand-new kitchen.

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Sweet&Salt: Water Is Their Frenemy

Sweeet&Salt: Water and the Dutch is ‘a beautiful and important book’, writes Armando Carbonell of the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy in his review of the book for the Loeb Fellowship site. ‘The ever-increasing Dutch reliance on engineering solutions to keep the water at bay does not come without costs, and they go beyond the never-ending building and maintenance of structures. There are increasing conflicts between the sweet and the salt, with serious worries about  fresh water for drinking and agriculture.’ And now comes the ‘hot breath of...

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