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Tag: Venice

TRACY·TV #52: Dutch pavilion at Venice Architecture biennale

The Dutch pavilion at this year’s Architecture biennale in Venice was designed by The New Institute to look like a locker room, with bright orange doors that you could open to discover the secrets within. The theme was the future of work, now that everything, even sex, is being automated. In the main exhibition hall, Crimson created a thoughtful and attractive exhibition about the impact of migration on cities. 

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TRACY·TV #51: Albania opens new old doors in Venice

For its entry to this year’s Architecture biennale in Venice, citizens of Tirana lent their doors – a symbol of the country’s hope that the EU will open its doors to Albania. I spoke to Tirana’s mayor, the fireball Erion Veliaj, about his plans for the city and the role he sees for contemporary architecture in making the city more liveable.

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