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Tag: Water

Nova: Megastorm Aftermath (PBS Documentary)

In the wake of Hurricane Sandy, PBS – the American Public Broadcasting System – came to the Netherlands to learn about the Dutch approach to water. How should the New York region protect itself from the next Sandy? Thanks to my book ‘Sweet&Salt: Water and the Dutch’ I was one of the people interviewed. I talked about the Dutch attitude to water as a ‘frenemy’. In Europe only the trailer can be viewed: ‘Nova: Megastorm Aftermath’.  

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Sweet&Salt: with the New York Times to the Overdiepsepolder

When a cow gives more than 100.000 liters of milk during her lifetime, her owner gets a small silver-colored statuette with a plaque with her name on it. Dairy farmer Nol Hooijmaijers and his wife Wil have had three of these prize animals: Mies 30, Henny 144 and Pietje 60. Their statues take pride of place on the countertop in their brand-new kitchen.

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Architectural Record: the canaries in the global warming-coalmine

The Dutch are the canaries in the global-warming coalmine, writes James Russell in his review of Sweet&Salt: Water and the Dutch in the December print issue of Architectural Record. ‘Sweet&Salt is a profoundly humanistic consideration of the culture of water, with many ideas by designers about how to deal with water’s myriad challenges.’ He describes the book as ”an intensely visual consideration of the history, culture and engineering of water that engages our senses and our emotions – not just our intellect – with its ravishing photography, cartography and art.”...

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Designing for water: the sweet & the salt of it

Water is life – and death. As floods and droughts assume Biblical proportions in many areas in the world, the magnitude of the water issues we face is penetrating our awareness and our political and spatial agenda. Nowhere is that clearer than in the Netherlands, where mastery of the water has always been a condition for survival. If there is one element which is crucial to the Low Lands – for its sheer existence, for its landscape, for its identity – then that is water. The Dutch created land by pushing the water out with dikes and keeping it out with pumps. Now, however, the country that...

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Zoet&Zout: Water en de Nederlanders

‘Zoet&Zout: Water en de Nederlanders’ vertelt het verhaal van de nieuwe verhouding tussen de Lage Landen en dat element dat zo bepalend is voor onze landschap én identiteit: het water. Na eeuwen van heerschappij over het water, waarin we dachten alles naar onze hand te kunnen zetten, proberen we nu mee te bewegen met de natuur. Het water is niet de vijand, maar een frenemy – willen we althans in deze delta kunnen blijven wonen. Zoet&Zout is een tweedelig project: het boek, dat de extreme makeover van steden en landschap beschrijft, en de tentoonstelling in de Kunsthal,...

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Nieuwe Natuur. Reportages over veranderend landschap

Altijd was er de strijd tegen het water. Eeuwenlang legden de deltabewoners zich toe op het bedwingen van de elementen en het omzetten van natuur in cultuur. Intussen verlangen we in het dichtstbevolkte land van Europa wanhopig naar ruimte en groen – een verlangen dat zowaar wordt ingewilligd. Steeds meer landbouwgrond verandert in moderne wildernis, oftewel nieuwe natuur. ‘Natuurontwikkeling’ is het nieuwe wondermiddel: duinen en dijken worden doorgestoken, moerassen in ere hersteld, polders onder water gezet. Opnieuw legt de mens zijn wil op aan het land, maar laat juist...

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